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Hoover Cottage Baseball Teams, 1896-1897

The image above is a list of the Hoover Cottage Base Ball Teams. Two women's teams organized at the Cottage on April 21st, 1897. The bat was presented by the Rhoads' Boarding Club. Positions are listed for nine players and a captain for each team.


Kappa Alpha Theta, 1891-1892

The image above is of the Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta for women sixteen pictured. It was founded in 1875 in Wooster. The first photo of the fraternities in Index. Women appear gathered around a central figure in the photo. Four of these…


1893 Class Photo (Sophomores), 1890-1891

The image above is a photo of the sophomore class of 1893. Five rows of 37 students with 8 women in front of campus building. In front of group was a pile of items used in the class competitions: tennis rackets, baseball balls, bats, catcher's mask…


Hoover Cottage, 1896-1897

This is a photograph of the exterior of Hoover Cottage, the first living space on campus for women. This facility allowed more women to be students at the college since they didn't traditionally board away from home, as the men did. Old Main can be…


Photograph of First Campus Gymnasium, 1893-1894

This a photograph of the first campus gymnasium. It appears rectangular with raised center area with windows above the first roof line. There also appears to be three chimneys on each side with multiple doorways or entrances alongside the building.…